I’m on Denise Austin’s mailing list, and for a good reason – I love her newsletter. Well, I like it until I get stuff like this that makes me cringe.
According to the challenge, you’re only allowed on the computer/TV for only two hours a day. Now, that’s a bit tough for me because I own an internet business, so I’m on at least 5 –6 hours a day running it.
So, what about us work-at-home folks? The challenge is to limit our playtime to 30 – 60 minutes. Dang. I’ve been trying to figure out what I’d do with all the extra time. Everything I came up with meant sitting down. For instance: drawing, cartooning, writing ridiculous stories, knitting, offline gaming, or crocheting.
No matter what I come up with, I end up sitting down. I’m looking for a happy medium. The problem is that I’m single, and therefore childless. I have my cats, but you can only play with them for so long without getting your flesh ripped open.
What I’ve come up with is this: Watch TV on my computer while riding my recumbent. During my work breaks – grab the kettlebell I keep off to the side, jump rope or do burpees or 5 or 10 minutes. All in all, my goal is 30 minutes of exercise a day. If I go over that goal – yea me!!! But! I can’t go under it.
I can hear you now. Wait! You run an exercise blog and you’re TRYING to get in 30 minutes of exercise a day???
Yes. You see, I’m a 4 time stroke survivour and I have Dystonia. Both wreak havoc on my body with either fatigue or muscle spasms. Sometimes it makes it hard to push myself to workout, and I’ll excuse make my way out. It’s one of the reasons I created this blog. It’s to spur me on when I want to quit.
So, that’s the challenge I’m taking on for 2014.
How about you? Are you willing to take Austin’s challenge on? Or do you have another challenge you’ve laid out for yourself?
Drop me a line in the comments below! And as always – pass it on!