Great Workout Programs

Monday, December 23, 2013

Denise Austin’s Shut Down to Lose Pounds Challenge: To do, or not to do? hmmmm…

I’m on Denise Austin’s mailing list, and for a good reason – I love her newsletter.  Well, I like it until I get stuff like this that makes me cringe. 

imageAccording to the challenge, you’re only allowed on the computer/TV for only two hours a day.  Now, that’s a bit tough for me because I own an internet business, so I’m on at least 5 –6  hours a day running it.

So, what about us work-at-home folks?  The challenge is to limit our playtime to 30 – 60 minutes.  Dang.  I’ve been trying to figure out what I’d do with all the extra time.  Everything I came up with meant sitting down.  For instance: drawing, cartooning, writing ridiculous stories, knitting, offline gaming, or crocheting. 

No matter what I come up with, I end up sitting down.  I’m looking for a happy medium.  The problem is that I’m single, and therefore childless.  I have my cats, but you can only play with them for so long without getting your flesh ripped open.

What I’ve come up with is this: Watch TV on my computer while riding my recumbent.  During my work breaks – grab the kettlebell I keep off to the side, jump rope or do burpees or 5 or 10 minutes.  Smile  All in all, my goal is 30 minutes of exercise a day.  If I go over that goal – yea me!!!  But!  I can’t go under it.

I can hear you now.  Wait!  You run an exercise blog and you’re TRYING to get in 30 minutes of exercise a day???

Yes.  You see,  I’m a 4 time stroke survivour and I have Dystonia.  Both wreak havoc on my body with either fatigue or muscle spasms.  Sometimes it makes it hard to push myself to workout, and I’ll excuse make my way out.  It’s one of the reasons I created this blog.  It’s to spur me on when I want to quit.  Smile

So, that’s the challenge I’m taking on for 2014. 

How about you?  Are you willing to take Austin’s challenge on?  Or do you have another challenge you’ve laid out for yourself?

Drop me a line in the comments below!  And as always – pass it on!  Smile




Monday, December 16, 2013

The latest cardio myth challenged

If you take a look in the right column, you’ll see a number of programs that I believe in and therefore encourage you to buy.  Why?  Because they work, and are great for folks who have very little time to get in that workout.

I do have a beef with them, though.  The latest cardio myth is that cardio workouts don’t burn fat.  Some of you know that’s a lie, because you’ve used cardio and diet and lost the fat.

Some of you have tried everything in the book and never lost.  If you fall into that category, it’s either because of your metabolism, or lack of self-discipline.  Sorry, guys.  That’s the politest way I could say it.  Smile

If cardio doesn’t burn fat, then two greats in the fitness industry are liars:

1.  Denise Austin

2.  Richard Simmons

And we all know that’s not true.  Between the two of them, they have nearly 80 years experience, which is much more than the new kids on the block who have about 20 – 25 years under their belts. 

The new guys might know “short cuts,” but they have no experience with what it takes for the long haul – meaning years, and years to come.  Austin and Simmons do.  And so do a lot of you.

The reason I’m bringing this up is because of a neighbour of mine who lives some 18 trees down the creek from me. (I live on a farm.)  Marlene has lost nearly 100 pounds by taking brisk walks every day and watching her diet.  That’s nearly 100 pounds of FAT.  And how is she doing it?  Walking!  What is walking?  Cardio! 

The new myth is what?  Cardio doesn’t burn fat, so throw out your treadmill!

Fact is, walking has always been considered the greatest exercise there is, whether you’re walking outside and getting fresh air, or enjoying your treadmill while watching TV or reading a book.

I’m sure most of the new guys mean well, and I know a lot of them are basing their idea on the latest research out of Canada, but the message is misleading and wrong. 

My advice is this:

1.  Ignore the latest fad, trend, whatever you want to call it. 

2.  Don’t throw out that treadmill, and enjoy walking off the fat! 

3.  Do what works for you. 

4.  Do what you enjoy.

5.  And, don’t listen to anyone who tells you it isn’t working.

PS:  Pass it on!  Smile

Denise Austin: Fat-Blasting Cardio Walking Workout




Friday, December 13, 2013

Yes, those are HER abs, it's not photo shopped

Hey y’all!

For those of you who might have missed yesterday’s post, this is Shawna Kaminski (the 50-year old gal in the photo below).  Shawna uses her body as a testing ground for her workouts, (along with the thousands of clients she trains worldwide).

She's redefining age by proving you can be lean, athletic, and have killer abs at any age.

Shawna is hands down the oldest hard body I know. It’s hard to believe that Shawna is 50 by looking at the photo? She obviously knows what she's doing.  Smile

Here's her secret training program

And she's done it again. She's come out with a new twist on an old training concept: it's 'complexes' now.

If you think you know about complexes, think again, you'll find new and different barbell and dumbbell combinations and you'll even get some bonus kettlebell complexes in her plan.

Take a look at Challenge Complexes and you'll find workouts like:

· Enough Already

· Rack It!

· Monkey on Your Back

· Challenge Limbo

· Never Quit

· I Dare Ya

· Make That a Combo

· Man Up!

· Meat and Potato Complex

Keeping your workouts full of fresh ideas will keep your results coming.

For LESS THAN ONE THIRD of the price of a session with a mediocre trainer, you can have a plan created by a trainer with international accolades and status, one that has a proven track record for getting results.

Grab Challenge Complexes before the price more than doubles at midnight tonight.

The good news is that if you find the plan isn't right for you, you've got a 100% money back guarantee. But I'll guarantee you this: if you give her plan the old college try, you'll be more than pleasantly surprised.

Here's what you'll get:


17 BB complexes

-use a single barbell to Boost Metabolism, Build Muscle and Burn Fat

-learn the most effective lifts to safely get an intense workout in 20 min or less

-use BASIC and simple barbell moves to achieve your strength and fat loss goals

-replace HIIT with amazing strength building workouts

-perfect lifting technique while burning fat

-avoid getting 'skinny fat' by maintaining and adding sexy, lean muscle tone

-maintain and improve your strength by incorporating challenge complexes

-use as a stand alone workout or incorporate into your program as 'cardio' or on your day off

10 DB complexes

-add even MORE variety by using a single set of dumb bells to boost your metabolism, build muscle and burn away fat

-avoid useless and boring gym machines by using only ONE set of dumb bells and a small space

-train ANYWHERE for 20 minutes or less and achieve your fitness goals

PLUS... you'll get a bonus training program that's going to blow you away. Take a look at it here.

Anyway!  I wanted to give you a heads up on her latest program.  You really can’t beat the deal, especially when you can get your money back if you don’t like it.  I bet you won’t want a refund.  Smile

Have a great week!



PS. The sale is DONE at midnight tonight and then the price doubles, so check out Challenge Complexes here and pick it up before midnight.  It’d make a super gift for yourself or for a friend!



Thursday, December 12, 2013

Fantastic workout to try!

Hey y’all! 

Wow!  It’s been one tough week.  I had a mini-stroke last month, and I’m still battling some of the side-effects.  Today has been pretty good.  I was able to get in a bit of ab work, and my flat bands. 

Anyway!  I’ve got something great for you!  Smile 

Shawna asked me to share this workout program with you - it's from her Challenge Complexes program.

You can check out the workout below, but first I wanted to tell you a bit about this style of workout because it's unlike anything you're doing now.

There's a trick to putting together 'complex' workouts. Often times trainers try to make things challenging by putting together impossible exercise combinations. Shawna says that complex workouts really need to be simple in their design so as not to cause strain on certain muscle groups and to ensure you stay injury free.

That's what I love about her workouts: safe, effective and fun. They're full of variety and challenges but they aren't 'impossible'. Shawna is as experienced a trainer as they come. She's in incredible shape at 50 and uses complexes in her training. Trust me, since I’m 53 and she’s 50, I’m more than willing to do what she says now.  (It’s a never trust anyone under 50 thing. LOL)

Okay, so here's the workout:

Let's Get This Started (Reps and rounds)

Equipment: dumb bells

Choose a weight that you can use for ALL exercises.

Do 8 reps of each exercise. Try not to put the DB's down the entire set, do 6 rounds. Time your workout, match the time with increased load the next time out:

· DB push up (hands on dumb bells)

· Spider crawl (per leg)

· Weighted burpee (squat thrust to deadlift)

· High pull

· Front squat push press

· Rest 30 seconds to one minute

Do 6 rounds

Have fun with that one and make sure to check out her plan.

BTW get Challenge Complexes for just $19 this week. That works out to about 70 cents a workout.

PS:  Take a look in the upper right hand corner. See the Complexes freebie?  Download it and give it shot!  And as always, don’t forget to pass this on to your friends!



Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Wednesday No Excuses…

Check out the free gift below the pic!

My gift to you! A free Challenge Complexes Workout ReportClick me!



The ultimate cardio replacement This is better than intervals (intense)

(This afternoon,  I have a guest post from a good friend of mine, Shawna Kaminski!)

I hate cardio.

Don't we all?

Well, sadly, no. When I go into my gym I still see row upon row of cardio machines jammed with magazine readers hoping to lighten the load of their belly fat. But it won't happen.

Did you know that traditional cardio increases your cortisol production and can lead to muscle and strength loss?

Also a recent study at the University of Tampa showed that adding ‘Jogging’ to a weight training program decreased strength gains by 50%.
If you're getting weaker you're losing muscle. And if you're losing muscle, your fat percentage is going up.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather be stronger and leaner than weaker and fatter.

Yet another reason NOT to do traditional cardio.

Here’s the ultimate cardio replacement

Sure, we all know about HIIT, but let’s face it, you can get too much of a good thing. If you notice that you’re feeling your performance is lacking, you’re getting weaker, losing muscle and generally just looking ‘soft’, it may be time to put HIIT on vacation.

This is better than intervals (intense)

One that will burn fat, boost metabolism and build muscle in 20 minutes or less?

If you want to look like (and feel like) a super hero, build your strength and coordination, and make everyday activities so much easier…

… just use this approach for 20 minutes or less.

This approach (once only used with athletes) will strip off body fat and build rock solid muscles at the same time because of the metabolic and progressive approach.

Shake up your program with something completely different.

Put ‘cardio’ and ‘HIIT’ on the shelf and try this.


Tuesday Workout! Quickie Challenge Fat Loss DB Complex

Grab your dumbbells and let's rock! Don’t forget to share it with your friends.  :)

Need a Quickie Challenge Fat Loss DB Complex



Thursday, December 5, 2013

Week in review, or true confessions (and it’s ugly)

There’s falling off the wagon, and then simply falling off flat on your face.  I fell flat on my face.  Chanukah is 8 days, and my nosh cravings refused to be denied.  So, I shall confess.  I ate:
2.5 dozen homemade sugar cookies
And close to 30 mini-donuts in my donut baker.
Told ya!  I fell flat on my face.  Problem is – I’m still craving donuts.  I keep consoling myself that the donuts are baked and not fried, and that 2 batches didn’t have “sugar” for a sweetener.  I used real maple syrup one night, and then last night I used Bailey’s White Chocolate and Peppermint Bark coffee creamer.  It’s to die for.
Did my motivational pics help?  Despite how it sounds, they actually did.  They inflicted guilt at every turn, and I did curb the number of donuts I really wanted.
Anyway, the 8 days are over, and it’s time to get back in control.  I can’t wait till next year.  Smile

I’ve been doing a morning 50 for awhile now.  5 exercises, 10 reps.  Then I bumped it up to 5 exercises, 15 reps.  Today, I’ve begun 10 exercises, 10 reps.  

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday Shawna Kaminsky workout!

Found this in my  inbox this morning – another prize!  Don’t let the idea of burpees scare you off, she shows some easy alternatives. And as you can see from the vid, her dog went with the burpees and passed out cold. 

As always, if you know anyone who might enjoy this workout, send ‘em here!  Tweet it!  FB it!  Slap it on google+ !  Her workouts are worth it!

By the way, if you like the vids I post of her workouts, check out her challenges here:  Transfer me to awesomeness!

Cuz I Can - Bodyweight Burpee Workout



Holiday blues and how to keep them from mucking with your goals!

Holidays don’t bother me, but the unending days of little sunshine do. Are any of you like that?

Anyway, I saw this in Muscle & Fitness Hers and thought it’d be a great one to share with y’all.  The article is written by professional bodybuilder Sandi Forsythe.  She covers what kinds of vitamins you should be taking, tips on dealing with stress, and tips on how to attend holiday parties.

Head over and check it out.  Then, come back and leave your comments and your own personal tips here! 

Remember, if you know anyone who might get something out of the article, send them the link. 

Holiday Blues 

Stress can leave you in a funk and ruin your motivation during the holidays. Here, IFBB pro Sandi Forsythe shares simple tips to keep the joy alive and stay on track with your goals.  Read more…


Monday, December 2, 2013

I’ve been AWOL, and the anatomy of body odor

That’s an interesting combination for a title.  Smile

Anyway, sorry I vanished last week.  I was down a good part of it with a migraine.  I also took some time off to work on my cottage.  I’m doing a bit of remodeling and it’s a wreck.

But!  I’m back, and with a really stinky link – The Anatomy of Body Odor.  I came across this one by accident today.  It’s a lot of fun to read.  You’ll discover:

1. 2 types of sweat!

2.  Reasons we reek!

3.  Gender fetor: onion vs cheese  One of us smells like cheese, and the other like onions. 

4.  Celebrity Stench!  Did Elvis stink?

You’ll discover who invented deodorant, and other oddball facts!

Check it out!  And if you have a stinky friend, send ‘em this way!

The Anatomy of Body Odor | Muscle & Fitness Fri, 04 Feb 2011 14:37:30 GMT

Learn everything you need to know about body odor - including what causes it and how to prevent it.

Read more ...


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Workout like a kid again

Yip, that’s what jumping rope really is – it’s working out out like a kid again!  Smile  It’s also the title of my latest article I’ve written for a series I’m doing over at GoArticles.  

Click here to learn some tips, workout ideas, what size rope to buy, and other cool stuff!  And as always, if you know someone who might be interested, send them the link!


PS:  While I’m at it, here’s one for you holiday shoppers!  Shawna Kaminsky has a fantastic Challenge Jump Rope program for a measly $19.  You get:

21 jump rope challenge workouts

10 challenge jump rope finishers

coaching videos

plus 2 bonus ebooks of bodyweight workouts to use along with your jump rope! 

Click here to check it out!  Look for the link beneath the header.

Btw!  The challenge workouts also make great gifts for the fitness nut in your life.  Smile



Saturday, November 23, 2013

Mindfulness: Imagination is Everything

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." - Albert Einstein

Remember when we were little all the crazy things our imagination would come up with? Back then we could create the coolest, scariest monsters known to mankind. They were so real we couldn't sleep at night without a night-lite, and the door cracked open. It didn't stop us though. The next night, we'd do it all over again, but this time with the goal of making them even scarier!

So, what happened to those awesome days of letting our imaginations run wild and knowing, not just believing, those monsters could actually come to life and kill us in the middle of the night?

We grew up, and when we did, we stopped believing in the magic of our imagination.

Thankfully, not everyone grows up and stops believing anything their minds create can come to life. If Walt Disney had there wouldn't be Disneyland! Can you imagine a world without Disneyland?

How about Ford? The Wright brothers? Edison? They dreamed it. They believed it. They brought those dreams to life.

Every one of us has a great imagination. We use it to create stories in our minds every day - it's called daydreaming. Let me ask you something. How do you feel after you've sat daydreaming? Happy, right? Guess what? You've just proven that by focusing on positive things and creating stories that go with them, you can completely change your attitude. You can also change your body.

What does Einstein say about imagination? "It is the preview of life's coming attractions." By envisioning ourselves as having the body we want to the point that we can actually feel it, we are changing our future. We become what we think.

Bodybuilders use their imaginations all the time to achieve their fitness goals. They envision themselves standing on the stage winning. They not only see every single cut on their body, but can physically feel them as well.

If they can do it to achieve their fitness goals, so can you. The trick is to be realistic. Don't envision yourself as having broad shoulders if they're not. Don't picture yourself being as thin as a small framed person, if you're large framed. Be realistic in what you see.

If it helps, look at yourself at all angles naked in front of a mirror. Horrifying, I know, but it might help you when you go to visualize what you want. As you look at yourself, what parts need sliced off? That belly is probably the first place to start. How do you want it to look?

Remember, the greatest successes come from starting small. Taking it from here, begin visualizing yourself having that smaller stomach. See it so clearly in your mind that you can actually feel it. Do it throughout the day, especially before getting out of bed in the morning, and before falling asleep at night. The shower is another great place.

In time, using the power of your imagination, you'll begin to make the right choices that will lead to that flat belly and a happier self, because you've trained your mind to make those choices.

Just remember, if bodybuilders can do it, so can you.

Article Source:


Friday, November 22, 2013

Picture challenge update podcast 1: Let’s Decapitate!

Decided to go back into podcasting again.  They’ll all be less than 5 minutes each.  Anyway,  I’ve included the show notes below for those who don’t want to listen to the podcast.  They’re not exactly verbatim, but pretty close.  Smile 

Leave your comments below and let me know your thoughts!  Click the pic to hear the podcast.



I'll be doing mini-podcast updates over the next 30 of my experiment with Scott's idea that I found in a video a few days ago and posted here on the exercise blogger.

In case you missed the post, Scott's idea is to post lots of pictures everywhere, along with inspiration quotes, to bombard yourself with your fitness goals.  Keeping them insight at all times increases your ability to reach your goal.

So, that's what I'm putting action over the next 30 days and keeping you updated on my progress.

So, here's my goals:  Toned, reduce the body fat around my midsection, flexible, and my posture straightened back up.

I went for pictures from my Yoga Journal magazines.  The reason I did is because to me the yoga body is really what I'm striving for.

I'm not after the big muscle thing, or "Hi! Look at my bicep!" idea of fitness.  So anyway, it was a bit creepy cutting off heads, but after awhile you get used to it and it's kinda fun decapitating people.   Smile This is one of the pics that I  put on my laptop monitor. 

It’s my guilt pic.  The reason I named it that is because I switched back from using my fitness ball  to using a regular chair at my desk,  The result?  It killed my posture

For the record, I didn't switch on purpose, what happened was the kittens snuck through the door, and launched an all out attack on me. My fitness ball died.  It's the second one they've killed.  So I didn't want to inflate a third one for fear they'd kill it to.  So now they're all outside and my new fitness ball is safe.

Now, what happened when I put this pic up was this.  It woke me up and I saw what a real chair was doing to me.  For my health’s sake, I knew I had to go back to the fitness ball.  because let's face it, posture is everything.  It really is.  Why?  You can't breath properly without a good posture, and if if you're not getting enough oxygen then your energy level is affected,  your thinking is affected, and it makes you appear older than you are.

Say what?  If your skin cells aren't getting enough oxygen - they die.  That's why smokers look older than people who don't smoke.  Smoking reduces oxygen to the cells. 

So, that's where I am right now.  I'm sitting on my fitness ball, my core is engaged, and my posture is straight.

So, that's this weeks update, and I'll see ya later!  :)


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How do you stay motivated to reach your fitness goals?

I was reading a book last night about staying motivated to reach your fitness goals, and there was a link to this crazy video.  I loved it!  It was late when I saw the vid, so I didn’t get to put it into action until this morning.

Oops, I started to tell you what I did, but that would be spoilers.  So, watch the video, and then read below for how I applied what he did.  Or, skip the video and go for the spoiler.  Smile

Psycho Fitness Trainer???

Did you watch it?  Ok, so here’s how I applied it this morning, and it was a bit surprising to me how I did.  Instead of grabbing my M&F Hers mags, I grabbed a stack of Yoga Journals.

Why?  My subconscious knew what really fit my goals and taa daa – it went yoga.  Yoga focuses on strength, flexibility, awareness and having a perfect posture.  M&F is more about building muscle and 6-pack abs.  Yeah, I know it’s more than that, but it’s mostly about muscle building.

Anyway, I’ll warn you ahead of time, if you do what he suggested – it will really creep you out when you cut off someone’s head.   So, I creeped myself out and cut off some heads.  I chose:

1.  A seated meditation pic with a side view of a perfect posture.

2.  A woman rock climbing.  Why?  Because her arms are strong, but don’t look like a mans. (And it was in Yoga Journal.)

3.  A seated mediation pic of a woman in a sports bra and shorts.  It shows her flat stomach (not 6-pack) and that her body is firm.

4.  Another seated yoga pose because it shows no “love handles.”

5.  A backwards bend, to remind me of the importance of flexibility.

6.  Warrior Pose because it’s powerful. 

7.  And a forward bend – toned, trimmed, flexible, strong.

Tomorrow, I’ll pull out the M&F and see if there’s something I find inspiring.  I also want to put up pics of healthy food.  I figure if I’d put a pic of a big banana split, I’d crave it all day.  So I’m going to try it with healthy food. 

Whatcha say to this?  If you’re having a hard time staying motivated to reach your fitness goals, how about joining me in my month long motivational challenge!  It’s free!  All you need is your scissors, some old fitness mags, and a desire to cut peoples heads off.  Smile  Join me, or cheer me on.  Either way, you’re invited to read my journey and see what happens.  Also, sign up for my email updates, and be sure to post your comments every day. 

See ya tomorrow!  And happy beheading!

PS:  What are your tricks for staying motivated to reach your fitness goals?


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Is CrossFit a smart way to exercise?

Yesterday when I was grabbing Shawna's vid on jumping rope, I saw a few videos on CrossFit, so I decided to check it out. I'm still having nightmares. The entire time I watched, my brain kept screaming, "YOU IDIOT!!! YOU'RE GONNA GET HURT!!!" (long pause) My brain is still screaming.

Watch this short video and see if you can see why. Don't forget to use the comment section to share your thoughts.

What is CrossFit?

What is CrossFit? CrossFit is an effective way to get fit. Anyone can do it. It is a fitness program that combines a wide variety of functional movements int...

What is CrossFit?

Here's another one for the night.  The writer see's the problems with the CrossFit program, but still likes it - if it's done right.  :)

Is CrossFit Killing Us? - Outside Online

The CrossFit backlash is in full swing—led by a long list of injured participants.

So, what are your thoughts?  Is CrossFit a smart way to exercise?


Monday, November 18, 2013

Don’t pee your pants…

I love jumping rope.  The only thing I don’t like about it is at 53, and having a neuromuscular illness that makes it even worse, is the pee your pants feeling. Hate it, hate it, hate it.

Anyway, I’m doing up some articles on jumping rope, and decided it’d be a great post for today.  In the vid, Shawna’s talking about her Challenge Jump Rope program (highly recommend it) and the problem women have with the pee your pants feeling. 

As always, she has some really great tips, and includes a workout!  Check it out!  And if you think one of your friends might like it, or your facebook buddies – hit the share facebook button below the vid! 

And if the Challenge Jump Rope workout sounds like something you’d love to try, click here

Make it a great day!

Don’t Pee Your Pants!



Thursday, November 14, 2013

Creating a world worth living in…

I’ve been thinking the past couple days about the world I’m creating for myself to live in.  My “gym” is my living room, but what happens if I’ve allowed it to get cluttered, which is pretty easy for me.  What happens then?  Very simple – I don’t workout there, which is really bad because that’s where my gazelle is and it’s a major tool for me getting in shape and staying there.

So to inspire myself to get my act together, I made this little graphic last night and put it on my desk top to remind me that I do create my own world.  If it’s annoying, I created it.  If I’m putting weight back on – I created the world for me to do it.

So, how about you?  What kind of world are you creating?  What are some things you’re doing to make it better?  Leave your thoughts below, after all you never know who might be inspired to make their own little world a better place.  And as always – pass it on!  Smile


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Put that brain of yours in gear and start visualizing success

Wow!  What a day!  I've found so many great articles out there that I'm sticking links to all of them in this post.

Let's start off with one of my faves.  As soon as I saw the title, '4 digital fitness trends...' I thought of my original kindle.  I've got 3 fitness apps on it: 

  1. Anywhere legs
  2. My Yoga Studio
  3. Anywhere Abs

I love them all.  I don't use them every day, but they're nice to have around.  If you like this stuff like I do, you'll want to check out this article.  

KTVZ.COM - 4 digital fitness trends you need to check out - Home 

It used to be that when you wanted to get in shape you either strapped on a pair of sneakers and went for a run or got in a car and drove to a place that was packed with people and waited your turn to move around some rusty (and sweaty) weights.

Next up!  Steven Covey fans will enjoy this one.  It's Morning habits of successful people.  The author lists 5 with a straight to the point explanation.  Nice fast read!

WAXX - morning habits of successful people 

Fantastic article on being in the present with your workouts.  There's tips and how-to's, and best of all - he's practical in his advice and suggestions.  

Bring Your Brain for the Ultimate Workout - Fitness & Wellness News 

Yet, if your brain isn't traveling the exercises with you, even the best Nikes can only take you so far. Bring this technique to the treadmill with you and improve the health of body and mind. When you visualize, include specifics. As you exercise, focus on exhausting your body in a positive way, not your mind.

Last, but not least, 'Amazing results always come from creating my Vision Boards.'  This one especially caught my eye because I'm working on a series of articles that I hope will be published at ezines next week on the subject of visualizing your way to the body you want.

I like the way this writer makes things so simple.

What is holding you back - Amazing results always come from creating my Vision Boards - ... 

What is holding you back from being the person you want to be. Since I'm doing this right now, I'd love for you to join in with me so I want you to really think about why you are not or have not been able to stick to the healthy eating plan/diet right now or what excuses you are coming up with to be stagnant.

Hope you've enjoyed today's finds.  Leave a comment and let me know what you think of your favourite out of the list!

And as always - pass it on!  :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

What weight should I use in my workouts?

I’ve got a treasure for you today from Holly Rigsby.  Holly answers one of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to women using weights – how much weight should I use when I’m working out?

You might be surprised at how much she thinks you’re able to lift.  Holly basis it on you being a mom and how much your child weighs.  Check out her video below.

If you know of someone who might find the vid a real help, send ‘em this way!

Choose the right weight for your strength workout.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

How does caffeine effect workouts?

I was just reading a comment someone made on facebook about staying away from caffeine.  The conversation was about illness, and of course caffeine is said to “dehydrate” a person, which is the last thing you want when you’re sick.

So, my mind switched to caffeine and workouts.  Talk about a world divided.  Once more I’m in the middle of an argument between those who think caffeine is the 7th evil of the universe, and those who swear by it’s benefits.

This was my top choice from all the articles I explored.  It’s logical and makes sense.  The article explains how caffeine works and answers the questions:

1.  When is the best time to drink a caffeinated beverage, before or after?

2.  What kind of coffee?  This one surprised me.  I never pay attention to how much caffeine is in it.  I didn’t know dark roast has less.

3.  How much should you drink?

Check it out and let me know what you think.  And don’t forget, if you like my post please share them with your friends.  They’ll thank you for it.  Smile

Workout Drinks: Preworkout and Postworkout Caffeine from Coffee ... Tue, 10 Sep 2013 13:39:04 GMT

Will drinking coffee before a workout leave you energized from the caffeine or will it dehydrate you and hamper your workout? Learn the facts so you can get the most out of your morning workout!



Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The hunchback of Notre Dame

Let’s talk posture!  The subject is the bane of my existence.  My vision isn’t that great.  Neither my desk or seat are the height they should be, and so I do a number of different exercises to help keep my shoulders down, and exercises to strengthen my upper back, and core.

Anyway, the subject came up when I saw a friend of mine, Sara Lieb, who’s an ACE certified Group Fitness Instructor, had written an article on the subject. 

My first instinct was to slap her upside the head for writing on a subject that annoys me.  But, I sucked it up and went and read the thing.  I loved it.  That’s not a surprise.  Sara is an excellent writer.

Best of all, I passed her “hunched shoulders” test!  See if you can:

“Hunched shoulders – Try a little experiment. Stand up and take a pencil in each hand. Hold the pencils loosely at your sides. If your shoulders are back in the proper position, then the pencils should be straight at your sides. If your shoulders are rounded or hunched, then the pencils will be resting on the front of your body parallel with your thighs.” 

If you flunked it, you really need to read the article.  If you didn’t flunk it, you really need to read the article so you can tell folks you know why they need to start taking better care of the way they carry themselves.  Click here to read Upright vs Uptight!

PS:  If you enjoy the article, pass it on to your friends!  Leave a comment for Sara and tell her what you think.  Or email her!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Death by Burpee

It’s Tuesday no video day!  Why?  Because I’ve got something even better – I’ve got a challenge for you!

Here’s what I want you to do. I’ve got two different ways you can do this.  You can either set a timer for so many minutes and see if you can do the following within that time, OR you can set a timer and see how long it takes you to do it.

Sounds fair, right?  So here’s the game:

Great shape: 50 burpees

Good shape: 30 burpees

Ok shape: 20

Not-so-great shape: 10 – 15

You can either do the burpee with or without the push up.  You can do the burpee with the hop back and forward, or walk back.  You can mix and match.

Whatever you choose, I’m not responsible for injuries, suicidal thoughts from the pain, or your death.  Smile

Special Note:  Regardless of what shape you’re in, go with your strength level for today.  When we ignore our body’s energy level and try to do a tough workout, we risk discouraging ourselves and that, in turn, leads to procrastinating on our next work.  So, go with your energy level.  Smile

Best of luck!  Post your results below, and I’ll post my results later today. 


PS:  Shawna Kaminski has a fantastic Challenge Burpee program that I’ve been using.  I love it.  It’s a great way to get in shape when you don’t have a lot of time to get in a workout (and even if you do),  plus, it’s a lot of fun. Click here to learn more.




Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday Jump Rope Challenge!

By now you’re probably catching on that I really love Shawna Kaminski’s challenges.  I don’t own the Challenge Jump Rope program yet, because I’m still doing the Challenge Burpee program. 

BUT!  I’m adding in the jump rope workouts as she posts them on her blog, or in her emails and loving it.  So far my personal best is 57 jumps.  Next goal – 70.  Smile

Anyway, this morning I awoke to this new one in my inbox. Hope you enjoy suffering!  Leave a comment below and let me know how it went.

And as always, if you really enjoy this post pass it on to your friends!  Thanks!

Ab Finisher for Shawna K