Most experts agree that this exercise is the BEST exercise of all time. Personally, it is so not my fave. It’s one I only do during moments of self-hatred.
It’s not:
a pushup
a squat
a sit-up
or a chin-up.
It's WAY tougher than any of those.
It’s….the burpee! No, that has nothing to do with babies. This is what a burpee is:
Holly Rigsby’s Supercharged Burpees
Why is it the best exercise? Because it builds both muscle and endurance. Remember Holly getting out of breath?
The great thing about burpees is there’s more than one way to do them. Burpees go from simple to really complicated, which is great, because otherwise you’d get really bored.
This next video is by Shawna Kaminski. She’s 50 years old. Just wanted to toss that in there. 
Anyway, she shows some examples of a few of the different ways you can do them!
I know some of you out there love a painful challenge, so when a friend of mine sent me this – I thought of you guys. (I’m sitting here with an evil grin.)
If you’re feeling tough and up for it, Shawna has put together a new Challenge Burpee program.
It’s a manual with 21 workouts with burpees and combinations. They’re the same ones she and her clients use. In the manual, she gives “insider secrets” on how to get the most from each move. Btw, you don’t just get manuals, you also get her coaching videos as well.
If you’re really feeling suicidal (LOL), she also includes her 500 and 1000 Rep Workout Bonuses to really boost your fitness and fat burning. Oh! And there’s the “Big Book of Beautiful Burpees!”
Right now she’s running a special on her challenge. She’s offering it for $19. After the special, it’s supposed to go back up to $47.
So, today is Sept 24, 2013. The special ends 3 days from now. Anyway, if you want in, now’s the time to do it! You can check out the program and pick it up here: Challenge Burpee!
Btw, if you know anyone else who might enjoy this post – pass it on! 
PS: I’m trying to make the posts more colourful. Let me know in the comments if you like it or wish I’d knock it off.